Our values

Learn what makes Carré Rose Films different, and why you’ll love the porn we make.

We value inclusion

We carefully avoid reproducing oppressive stereotypes, strive to bring a diversity of people into our creations, and involve both performers and technical team members in every step of production.

We are commited

Carré Rose Films is the continuation of Carmina’s engagement for a better porn industry. We strive to the most respectful and ethical environment, and we insist on respecting and fighting for sex workers rights.

We always take care

A lot of care is put into both our performers and our productions before, during and after the shoot. Images, lighting, scenario, after-care: everything is thought out and prepared to ease the day's work for our team and the performers and make everyone feel welcome.

We want to inspire

Our movies aim to feature all the diversity of bodies and sexualities, of practices and genders... But also showcase a variety of cultural inspirations: art, pop culture, history, religion, or even cuisines are influences we reinterpret through our work.

The origins of Carré Rose Films

Carré Rose Films production studio was born out of a desire to create explicit imagery, drawing on themes of sincerity and reality. The turning point occured in 2017 at La Fête du Slip festival in Lausanne, Switzerland. Amid meeting various performers, directors etc. Carmina experienced a revelation during a conversation: "We need more porn in France! Different projects, led by women, produced as ethically as possible!". A porn epiphany.

The wheels are now set in motion and there will be no turning back. Rooted in the culture of European alternative porn, living intensely within events such as the Berlin Porn Film Festival, Carré Rose Films is inspired by the reflexivity of this scene surrounding the issues of ethics, representation, and consent. It is important for its founder to carve a path where performers have a voice and where the producer & director's role doesn't overstep their boundaries. Also, it felt important to demonstrate the dynamism of the independent French scene outside of the studios known by a wider audience.

Alongside the will to fight for fairer and more respectful porn, Carré Rose Films makes sure to instil within its creations an offbeat and delicate humour. The movies reflect Carmina's gaze: full of mischief, a vision where fun and pleasure are essential facets of an enjoyable life. Fucking, yes but also laughter, closeness and spontaneity...

Carmina quickly began creating after her revelation; shooting and performing, as well as editing and distributing her work. Filming immediately started to gain momentum which, after only a short while, inspired her to involve other people to join in the adventure – behind the camera as well as in front. The Carré Rose Films catalogue grows richer every month with the director allowing real life couples and performers to express their creativity through her naturalistic lens.

Beyond providing a support for fantasies, Carré Rose Films wishes to highlight the independent scene that challenges the viewer's gaze and shows a range of sexualities more in tune with the desires of a more diverse viewership. Here you will find pornography that is focused on performers, and we hope that within their pleasure you will something what will spark yours.

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